We have recently started our journey to be a more accessible tourism business

We have been working with Spinal Life Australia and Cerge to complete Stage 1 of our Accessible Tourism Plan. 

This includes completing our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan which is available to download HERE – Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

Cérge is a set of companion technologies delivering societal change ensuring we are all more welcoming and inclusive of disability. They have created a companion website so guests can gain a better understanding of access and inclusion for our business.

STAGE 2! We have also recently been successful in receiving the Access Accelerator Grant which has enabled us to work with Vacayit and Untitled to help us continue our accessible tourism journey!

Vacayit have created two audio guides for our tours to benefit a range of diverse travellers, including those without a disability, people who are blind or have low vision and travellers on the autism spectrum.

Vacayit is an inclusive platform offering sensory audio guides created in collaboration with operators and curated by our blind and low vision content writers. These auDio guides will be uploaded to our site by 30th November 2024.

Untitled have provided a full website audit so we can ensure our website is accessible through the addition of alt text and captions on all images, and through the implementation of the Accessible widget.

Looking to book a tour and have accessibility questions?

Take a look at our range of private tour options or give our friendly team a call so we can create a custom tour designed just for your group.

Tour Enquiry